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  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. The Virtual Balance: An Input Device for VR Environments Proc of 6th Interfaces, Man-machine interaction, Montpellier La Lettre de I’IA, no. Nr. 123) (June 1997): 20-23.
  • 14#BIS -
    Expanded interactions and mixed landscape generate the 14#bis biocybrid system, to celebrate the 50th birthay of Brasilia. In a public event, by exploring mobile and locative interface in mixed reality, we put in the sky of the Brazilian capital,
  • SM Lives in São Paulo as a New Media Artist and Researcher employing computer-based technologies and moving-image associated to architectural constructions in the production of art. Michelin investigates the production of social space through
  • Ishii, Hiroshi and Angela Chang and Ben Resner and Brad Koerner and XingChen Wang. LumiTouch: An emotional communication device CHI ’01 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’01). Association for Computing Machinery
  • On the exhibition could be seen for the first time in an open public display, the audiovisuals of the MIDE´s documentary archive, dialoguing with some of its most meaningful tangible artworks from its Electrographic Art Collection. Few audiovisuals
  • Reinhuber, Elke and Benjamin Seide. Garden Of Changes – VR Experience as Meditative Divination Device .
  • Karl Salzmann (*1979 in Bludenz) is a sound and media artist currently based in Vienna. In his artistic practice he uses sound and noise and combines them in performance, conceptual and installation art. His work is characterized by the visual
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Information Jukebox? A semi-public device for presenting multimedia information content. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(3-4), no. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-003-0219-x (July 2003): :217-220.
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    Four Imaginary Walls is an interactive environment controlled by external weather conditions. Sensor devices measure wind speed, light levels and temperature information, which is fed into a computer which synthesises a real-time virtual 3D
  • Two rocking chairs are installed on the floor facing each other.The audience sees no interactions between chairs. The interaction is triggered when two people from the audience sit in the chairs and rock. Each chair has a sensor and motor.These