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  • ... Matter slides away from the field of...
  • Video projection, print on plexiglass dim: 100 x 138 cm (x 2) The kaleidoscopic video is based on radiological recordings of the author’s brain. The recording of neural connections (nerve tracts) shown by tractography (diffusion MRI) is
  • X-ray films, series (4) dim: no. 1: 155 x 116 cm, no. 2: 155 x 124 cm, no. 3: 145 x 124 cm, no. 4: 145 x 116 cm The installation Anatomical Transfigurations explores the effects of medical visualizations and mediation of the internal body upon the
  • ... the artist includes the fragility of her...
  • Digital print on plexiglass Variable dimensions This series of photographs was produced using a particular form of camera obscura created by the artist’s mouth. Technically the images are based on the use of a small piece of photosensitive paper
    Mirror glazing on glass (dim: 120 x 80 cm), light projection and reflection The light work Fractal is part of a series of works dealing with the idea of the ‘transparent body’. Formally the work is based on a radiological image of the brain, the use
    ... a mirror. It alludes to the concept of the...
    The video work Pulsation presents pulsating light phenomena, the bodily and the technologically generated hybrid as a luminous apparition composed by layering reflected light, video projections of radiological scans of the artist’s brain and related
    ... of fractals. The designs are uniquely...
  • Kinetic light installation bended plexiglas, light projection and reflection, electronic light modulator variable dimensions Four projectors illuminate a bent piece of plexiglass positioned horizontally on the floor that reflects a multi-layered