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  • POLAR WINDOW series 2006 - 2015 (In Progress) : Synthetic Diaries of Illusion: the circle of transfiguration is infinite. POLE A : “That which did not exist in the past and will not exist in the future has no existence of its own while it lasts.…
  • I agree : 1. To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent. 2. To adopt or use as one's own: I borrowed your polygon I am giving you back the fundamental transformation. 3. To take a
  • Unsorted cipher absorbed in copiousness.
  • A narrow band of chances and the infinite beyond whose name I forgot.
  • ... " beyond the mirror room turn next corner with the hope to find unexpected wonders ” ...
  • ... flythrough sequence across sinthetic floresta, showers of particles and flat alpha plane fires. Floating XYZ coordinates axis and...
  • ... from classical oud and tabla players to electronic sound artists) were invited to the First Floor Gallery to read and react to...
  • ...Visual Sets & installationsArtist: German GomezComment:
  • Sea-Changes -
    ... particularly because this was still an early period of internet use. As there was some very good writing among the submissions, I... In Sea-Changes (1997-98) artists age 50 or over, from a variety of disciplines, were invited to submit personal biographical materials to a...
  • Extensions -
    ... to a group project called "Reaching", which set out to look at networking as a metaphor for various ways of communicating or of... of "reaching" from one point or person to another. The other artists were Susan Turner and Dale Amundson. This project has been...