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  • Jelly Functions [Power]Artist: (collective) Banz&BowinkelComment:
  • REFLEXION - In Sync / Out of Sync - is a real-time light and sound installation consisting of electroluminescent (EL) wires and octophonic (8.2) sound. The main concept is based on research showing that our heartbeats can be synchronised by
  • ... screen provides tangible data sourcing...
    Inspired by the composite plant of lichen (from Greek: leikhen), which is the result of a hybrid partnership between a fungus and an alga. The installation is therefore a reflection upon the interaction and mutualistic relationship between two
    ... symbolising the desire to become a machine...
  • BAROQUE MOMENTS ON FIREArtist: Anabela CostaComment:
  • video, 7.40’ The video Bodyfraction parallels microscopic images of fragments of the artist’s body (tooth enamel, skin, nails, hair etc.) with recordings of drawings and light-sensitive objects created on their basis. Drawings were digitally
  • ... micro structures, despite the seeming...
  • Acryl and marker on paperSeries (12), dim: 66 x 90 cm (each) Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of bodily particles shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one using form and colour on two levels: colour (the
  • FROM the BOWELS -
    FROM the BOWELSArtist: Anabela CostaComment: