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  • Kac, Eduardo. Negotiating Meaning: The Dialogic Imagination in Electronic Art In Proceedings of Computers in Art and Design Education Conference, edited by UK University of TeessideTeeside, UK: 1999.
  • Laurel, Brenda, ed. The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. New York: Addison-Wesely, 1990.
  • Roman Kirschner Born 1975 in Vienna, Austria 93-98 studies at the University of Vienna: philosophy, art history 99-04 studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany 01-04 cofounder and member of the artist collective fur. 05 research
  • Preece, Jenny and Yvonne Rogers and Helen Sharp. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2002.
  • Pijnappel, Johan. Jeffrey Shaw. The Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe. An Interview Art and Design Profile 39 (1994): 70-79.
  • Penny, Simon. Agents as Artworks and Agent Design as Artistic Practice In Human Cognition and Social Agent Technology, edited by Kerstin DautenhahnAmsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1999.
  • ... science fiction and surrealism, an immersive universe as...
  • John Maeda is an artist, graphic designer, computer scientist, university professor and author. He is world-renowned for his work with web-based interactive motion graphics and an advocate for the notion of simplicity in the digital age. Maeda was
  • Seigo Matsuoka is Director of the Editorial Engineering Laboratory. Born in Kyoto in 1944, Matsuoka graduated from Waseda University School of Letters. He founded the publishing house Kosakusha and began publishing Object Magazine in 1971. As
  • Katsui, Mitsuo and Toshifumi Kawahara, ed. World Graphic Design Now 6 - Computer Graphics. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha, 1989.