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  • Sprache Sehen -
    Computer-controlled interactive light installation Polytechnic school Bregenz (AT), extension Baumschlager/Eberle, competition, realization 1996–8 [English title, 'Seeing Language'] In each of the three staircases of the new building of the HTL
  • The digital collages (3 shown here by Tamiko Thiel, and 3 others by Teresa Reuter/Sabe Wunsch) show scenographies of the Berlin Wall that are conceived as associative spaces of memories - by mixing temporal and geographical elements as well as
  • Irena Paskali was born 1969 in Macedonia, she currently lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Before studying at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, where she finished her Master of Arts in 2007, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Skopje. The
  • Collection: Museum of Modern Art, New York. Csuri continued with this experimentation on other drawings, including one of a hummingbird in flight. Csuri produced over 14,000 frames, which exploded the bird, scattered it about, and reconstructed it.
  • Event: Vergessen. Fragmente der ErinnerungInstitution: Tiroler Landesmuseum FerdinandeumComment:
  • [the clearing] -
    The Clearing is an interactive installation artwork that focuses on the language of American print media's representation of the Bosnian crisis during the 1993-1994 period based on material culled from the archives of the Oakland Data Center.
  • Untitled & Untied -
    Installation that utilizes machine learning to reflect on systematic discrimination by focusing on the indefinite detention of Mexicans with Japanese heritage concentrated in Morelos during WWII. This algorithmic discrimination system tears apart
  • utHOPEia
    Hope in fusion with Utopia is here in perspective, looking at St Virgil, which has become part of the every day (esthétique du quotidien). By fragmenting the space and recontextualising elements of the place, utHOPEia is "hoping" to have the
  • IDfone -
    Interactive digital video installation, variable size IDphone evokes an ambivalent conjunction between the Freudian notion of the Id, contemporary I.D. systems (biometrics) and a video-phone gone wrong. Employing digital "mirrors" that reflect
  • in cooperation with: Gerald Nestler (Research), Christof Cargnelli (Sound), Oliver Irschitz (Production) --- I treat Wittgenstein's propositions more like axioms. When I negate the axiom, 'We make ourselves a picture of the world'