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  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • Their Things Spoken -
    ... conservation and valuation of officially recognised cultural...
  • ... the Minhocão (“Big Worm”, officially the Costa e Silva elevated...
  • Mitchell, William J.. City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.
  • Casares, Nilo. infocidio 2.0 In II Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales ANIAV 2015, edited by Asociación Nacional de Investigadores en Artes Visuales (ANIAV)Vol.1. , 4. Valencia, Spain: ANIAV, 2015.
  • Vinas Limonchi, Manuel. Tecnicas de Infografia: Variables creativas metodológicas en el desarrollo de la imagen digital. Madrid, ES: Editorial McGraw-Hill Interamericana de Espana, 2001.
  • Event: Mapping the web infomeInstitution: New Langton ArtsComment:
  • Apparitions -
    Artists' Statement Apparitions is both a physical installation at the UCSD University Art Gallery, and a computer generated virtual environment. It is the result of a collaboration between a group of artists and programmers working under the
  • Watchers
    "Watchers" are ambient light sculptures concerned with the rhythmic nature of television light and how it is used to seduce and compel the viewer into a kind of hypnotic and passive inaction. Detection of movement has been at the core of our
  • transmedia '97 -
    ... the programme: brain research, neuroaesthetics, nanotechnology and a...