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  • Tessel -
    Tessel is a kinetic installation investigating the perception of sound and space. Its name is derived from 'tessellation', a term applied to the geometric subdivision of a surface into plane units, also known as 'tiling'. It also describes a
  • .. "Ideally by using these technologies, art should see through them and unveil this imperative role in our society. When it is aesthetically pleasing, the truth doesn’t hurt so much" ..
  • Crystal Math. 1-channel video, 5.1 sound, 5000 m nylon-wire With thousands of meters of nylon threat Sylvia Eckermann produced a spider web that serves as the captivating projection screen for her "expressive verbal image" (Sabine Dreher) with which
  • In 2011 a kinetic installation for the deutsche bank headquaters in Frankfurt had been realized on the basis of an anamorphic distortion of their logo. The logo had been designed by anton Stankowsky in 1974 and was a radical step towards simplicity
  • Affective Enactive Rituals and The Naturalization of Technologies: “between the body and calculation, trance and algorithmArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • Diana Domingues, a pioneering artist-engineer, scholar, and researcher from Brazil, has impacted and shaped the landscape of electronic art in Latin America. By bridging the realms of intangible culture and rituals within Latin American native
  • Greenhouse -
    Greenhouse is a generative data visualization installation. The work is inspired by the problems of Taiwan and is based on the survey and analysis of big data. We gather and compile the big data from over seven hundred thousand fan pages on social
  • Diana DominguesThe Archive of Digital Art, 07/2023Text, Editing & Interview by Carla ZamoraShe has an immense and multifaceted body of work, revealing an enormous talentopening to multiple dimensions. (…) And in my opinion, the contents in
  • Environments: Memories, Serpentarium, Village, Terrarium By penetrating in OUROBOROS’ PLACES we experience the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and
  • The Connection Machine was the first commercial computer designed expressly to work on simulating intelligence and life. A massively parallel supercomputer with 65,536 processors, it was the brainchild of Danny Hillis, conceived while he was a