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  • Nuit Blanche -
    ... at ELECTRA - Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris 1986 ; ART NEW VISION - SEIBU-Shibuya, Tokyo 1987 This experimental video uses 4 different sources for an installation of 25 screen: the electronic Graph-8 palette, coupled with an Apple2C...
  • ...Students from CityU School of Creative Media and Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. During the... by Maurice Benayoun, including Tunnel under the Atlantic, VR installation, between the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of...
  • Preghiera -
    ... the red glow emitted by the optical sensor on each mouse. The artist uses several components hanging at different heights, but all... on their own cables. This describes the “raw” material of this installation, where light is simply the red glow emitted by the optical...
  • ...4 minute documentation excerpt from a 50 minute Installation.
  • ...Disembodied Voices, 2004 was a five projector multi-sensory interactive installation in which the viewer moves through a series of experiences...
  • Eternal Summer -
    ... action. They replay at varying rates, and show their artifice through back and forth cycling. In conjunction with the... "Eternal Summer" is a site-specific, 4 screen installation commissioned for the waiting room of the Ebner, Stolz & Partners corporate office at...
  • ...Computer-driven media installation with variable narratives and spatial configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • Mirror -
    ... vibrating mirror deforms the reflection of the visitor. (The installation is to be visited individually.) At first the vibrations...
  • ... real-time dynamic scan of the exhibition space itself. In this installation the concept of 'forward travel' or the 'forward...
  • Sustained Coincidence -
    ... of incandescent lightbulbs that light up in reaction to the participants’ positions, in such a way that the shadows cast on the... Sustained Coincidence is an interactive installation activated by the spatial relationships of visitors within a gallery. The piece consists of...