Archive Search

  • Swarm
    ...Interactive installation showing the motion of a swarm of agents over a 2D or 3D...
  • Mori
    ... as a living medium. In this installation, minute movements of the...
  • Presence -
    ... interactive video projection installation commissioned for the Art...
  • ... into the production of an installation which addresses my current...
  • Solitary -
    ...An interactive digital video projection installation 1 interactive video...
  • On sight -
    ...An interactive digital video projection installation 1 large scale projection,...
  • ...Interactive installation with a digital mirror (videocamera + retro-projected...
  • ... Body is an interactive video installation / performance created...
  • ...In the video (plasma screen) and sound installation Night Canoeing, one sees a...
  • Alchemy -
    ...Interactive digital video installation 2 interactive laser discs under computer...