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  • Partner: Dmitry Gelfand Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the
  • Unusual, bright-colored birds were observed on the Piazza San Marco in the summer of 2012, and in Copenhagen in the same year similar birds were sighted, which largely maintained close proximity to pigeons. When looking at the birds more closely,
  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Information Pavilion was an air-supported hemisphere
  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Video Studio was a PVC tensile skin stretched over
  • Partner: Evelina Domnitch Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the
  • Initially this work was developed as a stereoscopic projection for a concert of the Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel and performed at Zeitfenster Biennale Alter Musik 2002 in the DaimlerChrysler Building, Berlin. In its later iterations
  • This installation was a singular contribution to the larger multimedia performance Cloud Theatre: Shanghai Odyssey, a confluence of projected images, videos, urban sounds and a dance theatre that took place in the large domed Shanghai Cement Plant
  • In this impressive poster developed by Dick Klavans and Bradford Paley, with the help of Kevin Boyack and ISI data, one can see the variations in how different nations pursue science. The concept is not only ingenious but also takes full advantage
  • The ToyBox -
    The ToyBox was a project developed as part of Video Positive 95. The piece was an anthology of artist's works contained on a CD-ROM, published and sold during the festival in Liverpool. Each artist was asked to respond to the idea of creating a
  • Artist Statement: "Increased use of sensor technologies, big data, algorithms, surveillance, monitoring and tracking question what it means to be human in terms of privacy, individuality, authority, and the State. Using robotized voices, enhanced