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  • I am a practicing artist based out of Delhi and Baroda, India. My practice draws from preoccupations with technology and how they play a role in shaping politico-cultural narratives in society. My interests trace back to examining the logics, tools
  • Artist: Ximena AlarcónComment:
  • Artist: Morehshin AllahyariComment:
  • I’m a Digital Artist & Graphic Designer from Cairo,Egypt. Most of my artworks are currently classified as portraits (Digital Portraits). My artwork is a product of improvisation and listening to a music track while working on each piece...
  • Artist: Sandra AraujoComment:
  • Artist: Disembodied ArtsComment:
  • Artist: Alaistair AsheComment:
  • Artist: Thomas AsmuthComment:
  • Kae Woods aka Kin / Cultura Plasmic INC is a PhD researcher and multi-pseudonymous artist at the University of Newcastle in Fine Art/Digital Media, with a focus on Digital Fatalism and how algorithmic technologies interplay with agency and the
  • Diaa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmedien is a lecturer in sciences of visual arts and sciences of New-Media Arts. He is an artist, educator, researcher, and creator to setup systems of artworks, basically depending on the intersection between art, sciences, and