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  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach.
  • In the video Making of Eve Clone I, I looked back and represented the process of me creating Eve Clone and the evolution of her body in each period. From the original drafting of Eve Clone, which recorded my inspiration of drawings, to using
  • Embracement -
    ... Australian Centre for Field Robotics, leading...
  • Westway -
    A video installation work focusing on the mythology of violence in contemporary London. The work is both autobiographical and fictional and depicts a violent assault. The work was part of three works. (source:
  • ... caused diseases, for instance, autism. The...
  • ... another installation for the secularized...
  • antidatamining -
    Antidatamining is a series of visualisations of financial data. Economy is represented by its main agents –companies, groups and holdings, stock exchanges, banks and investment funds– and their interaction: capital relationships, geographic
  • Print on gold-plated steel The golden tableau depicts the outline of the Mediterranean Sea and its neighbouring states; escape routes and ferry routes, routes of cruise liners and patrol boats that cross the sea on their journeys were superimposed,
  • ... and galleries set-up for contemplation,...
  • ... technologies that enforce regulations and detect...