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  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... wood in colour. This allows only these objects, and the user, to be keyed on top of the...
  • ... Practical Steps for Social Justice Multiple Definitions of Gender Digital Queers’ Revolution ...
  • ... is a specific scenography of images and objects that are arranged inside this shared...
  • ... image of a naked body. The interactive objects included a simulated brick wall which...
  • ... so that various simple computer-generated objects could be seen floating in different...
  • ... interpolated. Four computer-generated objects were added in this simulated environment -...
  • ... and points out and elucidates areas or objects of special interest via its touch screen...
  • ... identities, human refusal of such literal definitions is paramount. Even while lines drawn...
  • ... identity from the body, and digitally objectifying the female figure. Working with new...
  • Apparitions -
    ... "virtual" by interacting with physical objects, exploring ideas on the World Wide Web,...