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  • ... nicht nur das Gesehene immer wieder hinterfragt, sondern vor allem das Sehen selbst. In diesem Zusammenhang verwendet und thematisiert er Guckapparate und Sehmaschinen, die den Prozess der sensorischen Wahrnehmung unmittelbar bewusst werden lassen:...
  • Fleeting Words -
    ...Fleeting Words is a light installation involving a unique system of LED light displays, based on the theme of "Cybermedia". The viewer sees text statements in English and Spanish but the words are only seen as fleeting images Commissioned for Art Futura 91 in...
  • ...Digital Cubes consists of four cubes with a display on the top side that show various light patterns depending on how they are arranged. The Digital Cubes react very dynamically. One cube alone is dark and seems to be passive. When two cubes are put together side by...
  • ... Jahr 2000 koppelten sich die Arbeiten immer stärker von den Medien Computer und Internet ab, deren Auswirkungen sie zugleich thematisierten. Allgemeinere Aspekte wie Dekonstruktion von Bilderzeugung, Partizipation und Vermittlung im Kunstkontext unter den...
  • ... Space, In Porto Alegre and after in 1982, at Funarte, Galeria Sergio Milliet I used one electronic stetoscope to amplify the heart beats for medical diagnostics, and creatively I intended to create a heart sound landscape inside the white cube. In the...
  • ...A web site, on the theme of viral infection, exploring issues around HIV/AIDS through contributions in both text and image from web users/artists and through associated workshops and events. (
  • Alchemy -
    ... Alchemy is an interactive illuminated manuscript, inspired by medieval books such as Les Tres Riches Heures de Duc De Berry. The theme of the book is the alchemical practice of creating homonculi, small human like creatures, in test tubes. The work is...
  • ...Agnes Hegedüs, born in Budapest in 1964 studied Photography and Video Art at the Budapest Academy of Applied Arts, followed by the Minerva Academy, Groningen, the Kunstakademie Enschede and the Institute of New Media, Städelschule, Frankfurt/Main. In 1992, she was...
  • VR/RV
    ... is an interactive virtual reality environment. On a drive in a recreational vehicle (RV) through a virtual reality (VR) theme park, VR/RV explores the displacement and disembodiment of a technological determined culture which co-mingles video games and...
  • Arteries -
    ...Arteries is a digital public art project based on a town/city in the South West region. The theme is the the structure of a town/city as a living and constantly changing organism; The 'body' of the town or city having no rigid boundaries and being interlaced...