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  • Der Wald
    "In the first version of "The forest", made as a computer animation, the image of the forest creates the impression of a three-dimensional space constructed from elements which themselves are only two-dimensional. The basis for the image is a
  • The installation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of sound and vision can be a trigger for embodied perception. A multitrack registration—for both sound and
  • Terrarium -
    TERRARIUM II net based installation explores in the physic space a ground with rocks and a topography where virtual serpents live. The space offers an immersive virtual reality networked environment which allows people to create and control
  • Pii - video
    Pii relies on the development of an interactive sculpture by using sets of mirrors, matrices of light and different types of sensors that analyze the environment to computationally generate a light and sound response, there by creating a variable
  • MACHFELD (Sabine Maier | Michael Mastrototaro) Sabine Maier Sabine Maier ist „Photo & Medienkünstlerin“, die nicht nur mit den Medien arbeitet, sondern an den Medien. Seit 1999 ist sie freischaffende Foto- & Medienkünstlerin, die nicht nur mit,
  • Christoph Voegele and Konrad Bitterli and Sabine Rusterholz and Yvonne Volkhart and Margrit Zuckriegl and Alexander Hahn. Alexander Hahn - Werke/Works 1976-2006. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2007.
  • Mit der Präsentation neuer Arbeiten – Zeichnungen, Drucke, Stereoskopien und einer 8-minütigen filmischen Anamorphose – schließt William Kentridge sein Engagement als erster Inhaber der Max-Beckmann-Stiftungsprofessur in Frankfurt ab. Kentridges
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Medienkunst als Wissenskunst / Medial Arts as Knowledge Arts. In Wissenkünste! Das Wissen der Kunst und die Kunst zu wissen / The Knowledge of the Arts and the Art of Knowledge, edited by Sabine Flach and
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Medienkunst als Wissenskunst / Medial Arts as Knowledge Arts. In Wissenkünste! Das Wissen der Kunst und die Kunst zu wissen / The Knowledge of the Arts and the Art of Knowledge, edited by Sabine Flach and
  • Quotes -
    Print on circuit board The 'Quotes' series brings forward questions regarding research ethics and responsibility in science. Landscape format PCB blanks become image carriers; their motifs and quotations, composed in monochrome black or white, had