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  • LAM -
    A computer installation desigend to create communication between several computers. A network created an on going creative process between the computers surrounding the viewer with light and sound. The process would continue to change as the
  • ambientROOM -
    The ambientROOM is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of ambient media as a means of communicating information at the periphery of human perception. The ambientROOM allows users to be aware of background bits using ambient display media
  • The interactive artwork " Ecorces" invites to virtually hollow out memories and layers inside the flesh of wood. The notion of "écorces" (barks) refers to the skin of the tree as well as to the skin of the human body, as a surface of appearance, at
  • Italian-born Marco Donnarumma is a performer, musician and writer based in London. He explores the dimensions of the human body in relation to real, virtual and cultural spaces through performances, concerts and installations. In his works, sound,
  • Timeline
    Timeline (2004) started out as a poem about getting old, for which I collected a small database of images found on the web which resonated with the lines from the poem. Interactively, the work is based on the device used in packages like Adobe
  • HOME OF THE BRAIN (1990-91) - PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES IN VIRTUAL SPACE Created between 1989 and 1991, HOME OF THE BRAIN by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss is considered to be one of the first pieces of Virtual Reality in the world to make
  • Suite For Mobile Tags -
    Suite for Mobile Tags is a project based on QR-Code (Quick Response Code), which proposes an exercise of random and anonymous collective musical composition. For the implementation of its first movement, there is a set of eight mobile tags embedded
  • Michael Rodemer's multifaceted education, acquired in the United States, Germany, and France, encompasses degrees in German, English, Comparative Literature, and Sculpture. This dual interest in the written word and in the "word-become-material" has
  • Pulse -
    Together the two projects, "p-Soup" and "Pulse", offer an experience of the special saturation and hue of monitor colours in varying combinations and continuous movement. The automation of image production is a fascinating dream born out of the
  • The "Tropospheric Laboratory" allows insights into cloud cores and other matter of the apogee. The installation narrates the synthesis of clouds and shows varying conditions and combinations of art and science in the absence of weight. The