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  • ... but that they could play with time. For example,...
  • ...Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There...
  • ... profiles and see how they are recognized as... If we start to play with the concepts of... to the several hundred people who await them... the social network game. But social network...
  • ... focuses on games, playful media, interactive... research focuses on games, playful media,...
  • ... the UK, supporting hundreds of projects that... as well as published game projects (Advent) and...
  • ... wall continues to play back the most recent...
  • ... VR-Cube of KTH and shown to the public. ... each bodypart is a play with words for its... with a "brain" and five different "body-parts" -...
  • ... order to understand how the Wall's presence and... As in a 3D computer game, users can wander along...
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ... seems that no matter how extreme the distortion,... included. Please play the demonstration clip...
  • ... a recorded motion plays back. For instance, by...