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  • ... an object is placed on the pedestal, the computer grabs an image. It then performs many levels of image processing (outline...
  • ... drug tests and implant experiments to fund her own purchase of black market biotech surgery including a microchip on which she has...
  • ... fragment disappears from the screen and is replaced by a black silhouette. With each click of the shutter, a part of the world... a moment of this world that is wrestling with death. The image thus recorded exists no longer. Each photographed fragment...
  • Solitary -
    ... projection installation 1 interactive video projection, black and white, silent 8 x 12 x 6 metres The piece is based on...
    ... kaleidoscopic video was created on the basis of radiological image of a spine and projected back over the original radiological...
  • ...The Golden Seed is a single-channel video, a moving votive image that celebrates the cycles of fertility: birth, death, regeneration. In its...
  • ... the blue area of the screen is replaced with the camera image from the ZKM location - an identical mapped image of a backdrop,...
  • ... At the end of the film, the stone that smashed the Great Image became a huge mountain, filling up the world. Finally, I used verses...
  • ... 2011 HD single channel video, 05min 31sec stereo 16:9 black/white Written by Marcello Mercado Music by Marcello Mercado...
  • parallel -
    ... If you follow it long enough, digital anomalies in the image become apparent; they have to do with when a given area came...