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  • SeeBanff! - video
    ... looks and feel like a real kinetoscope....
  • ... produce, in real time, his own personalized...
  • This interactive installation was first shown at the Bonnefanten Museum, in Maastricht, where its apparatus was a CRT monitor and a custom-designed joystick. For this work the authors researched the conceptual and aesthetic paradigms of the Legible
  • The Shredder -
    ... print metaphors like magazine and...
  • Nuit Blanche -
    This experimental video uses 4 different sources for an installation of 25 screen: the electronic Graph-8 palette, coupled with an Apple2C computer, a Slow-Scan equipment, a text generator, a Time Base Corrector and a videocamera recording a live
  • ... language, time, and memory....
  • The 090909 UpStage Festival took place on 9 September 2009 (with bits on the 8th or the 10th depending on where you were in the world). 14 performances by artists across 9 time zones were presented over the 20 hours of the festival, with audiences
  • the leap -
    ... romantic effects like "true to nature"...
  • Human Browser -
    A human being embodies the World Wide Web Human Browser is a series of Wi-Fi performances based on a Google Hack, where the usual technological interface is replaced with the oldest interface we know: the human being. Winner of the Share
  • In Conversation -
    In November 1997, on Duke Street in Brighton, passers-by encountered an animated mouth projected onto the pavement. Through loudspeakers they could also hear a voice trying to strike up a conversation (the voice was made up of text to speech