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  • ... each of which is installed with devices that produce subtle levels of tactile, auditory, visual and olfactory feedback for the...
  • Triangles -
    ... system in that it can be reconfigured at hardware and software levels for a variety of uses. It is versatile, with applications from...
  • ... pedestal, the computer grabs an image. It then performs many levels of image processing (outline analysis, division into separate...
  • ... she makes audience accomplices to spying. At deeper levels, Drama House examines issues of moral responsibility and...
  • ...This fiction informs the audience about rising sea levels due to global warming and how urban populations will cope with it. This experimental...
  • ...As global water levels and temperatures rise, plants and animals are mutating to adapt. Strange new creatures are arising at the interstices...
  • ... live cinema-generating machine. The program reads the color levels in every pixel of every frame in real time. The artist filmed 200...
  • ... as follows: points = pixels = windows, lines and diagonals = levels and edges, and surfaces = the facades. These shapes are...
  • ... artists used the computer as a medium to mix different time levels (before, during and after the Wall) and perspectives in a...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... image - is perceived as now. It is in this moment that so many levels meet that constitute the aesthetic attraction. The mirror...