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  • developed for The View Contemporary Art Space Swizerland EXCAVATE consists of a magic lantern from the 1920ies that was transformed into an interactive installation. The project was developed for a military shelter from the cold war in the area of
  • E-volve Wolf Lieser opened a new gallery [DAM]Cologne on the 24th April 2010. boredomresearch are exhibiting their computational systems Lost Calls of Cloud Mountain Whirligigs in the first exhibition ‘E-volve’ at the gallery. Lost Calls of Cloud
  • "Fantastic diver" is the name of a film created in 1905 by the Aragon’s director Segundo de Chomón. This facility called Electric diver, uses fragments of the digitized footage to develop a series of projections that the viewer can be modified by
  • The Supply Chain Visualization (SCVis) project provides a way for managers to physically construct and interact with models of how products flow between their business, thier suppliers and their customers. It lets managers use complex numerical
  • Starbright World -
    Starbright World was a pioneering online multi-user 3-D virtual world in which seriously ill children in hospitals across the United States could meet via a network to play with each other as avatars, build a part of the world themselves, discuss
  • Seed/Tree - video
    SEED /TREE (2005) Installation/Butoh Performance/Live Electronics This project was created during an “artist in residence” program at the ZKM (Centre for Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany). Feelings, associations, mental images and spontaneous
  • "The work series entitled netropolis is an exploration of the way global cities will develop in the future. Of similar magnitude to the impact of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information
  • Can we know insects through electronic and artistic interfaces? Do they know us? Can they experience art? Can we develop new relationships with them? I built a miniature museum space and used telepresent technologies to re-scale the situation and to
  • Philosophy Bachelor, Madrid Autónoma University (UAM), Fine Arts PhD, Barcelona University (UB): "Robotics as Artistic Experimentation. A Historical Approach to the Evolution of Automaton Machines from the Perspective of the Aesthetics". Currently,
  • Julie Freeman works with natural systems and emergent technologies. Her large scale installations and online artworks have, since the early 1990s, pioneered her conceptual and critical approach to working with real-time data as a living and