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  • iSee -
    iSee is an application for web-browsers and PDAs that charts the locations of closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras in urban environments. With iSee, users can find routes that avoid these cameras ("paths of least surveillance")
  • Extruder -
    The automobile is a fascinating machine. Since its inception the automobile has driven us faster and faster into the future. Carving out the modern world, it has done brilliantly, reproducing itself by the multi-millions. Along the way it has
  • Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller developed in "The Muriel Lake Incident" (1999) a miniature movie theater, in which a maximum of 3 person can have a look inside. The image and sound illussion is made perfect and has the effect that the viewer
  • Recollections I-IV -
    Recollections IV is an interactive video installation that invites the participant to move in front of a large video projection screen. As the person moves, his or her image is recorded by a video camera and passed on to a computer with special
  • Sensetable -
    Sensetable is a system that wirelessly tracks the positions of multiple objects on a flat display surface quickly and accurately. The tracked objects have a digital state, which can be controlled by physically modifying them using dials or tokens.
  • Double Helix Swing -
    double helix swing is an installation which investigates the swarms of midges that can be found on the banks of lakes and other bodies of water. Swarms of midges are intriguing entities: without any apparent logic theyform at irregular intervals
  • News/Reel
    NEWS and REEL (2005) were developed during an artist’s residency undertaken at the Media Archive for Central England (MACE), in September 2005. The residency was one of three organised as part Necessary Journeys, an Arts Council England programme
  • Internetscapes -
    Internetscapes series of Electronic Drawings initially developed as project pages for "Untitled". Web2 Krisenstab (Web2 Crisis Staff) Internetbauanleitung (Internet Construction Manual) Netzitadelle (Internet Citadel) Internetscape
  • Elektroplankton -
    Electroplankton is an interactive music video game developed by the Japanese interactive media artist Toshio Iwai and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS portable gaming system. This unique software allows one to interact with animated
  • Mirrors: the Real and the Virtual, an information display about the project on view at the NASA-Goddard Research Center in Greenbelt, MD, where the project was developed in collaboration with optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005.