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  • Markku Eskelinen and Raine Koskimaa, ed. Cybertext Yearbook 2002-03. Finland: University of Jyvaskyla, 2003.
  • Fischlin, Daniel and Andrew Taylor. Cybertheatre, Postmodernism, and Virtual Reality Science Fiction Studies 21.1 (1994): 1-23.
  • Fischlin, Daniel and Andrew Taylor. Cybertheatre: Forum of Resistance Border Crossings (Fall 1993): 49-51.
  • The paper "Transmedia storytelling and online representations –issues of trust on the internet", describing the Re:Dakar Arts festival work was presented as a video talk during the conference.
  • Ascott, Roy. Cyborg est un verbe / Cyborg Is a Verb In International Directory of the Electronic Arts / Guide International des Arts Electroniques, edited by A. Bureaud, 8 -13. London: John Libby, 1995.
  • Clanes, Manfred and Nathan S. Kline. Cyborgs and Space Astronautics (September 1960): 26 - 27 and 74-76.
  • Cyclone -
    YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena:

    severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes.
    the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums.

  • Cycloramadrome -
    Cycloramadrome is a project in which the spectators can interact with the work in the immersive ambient environment. Exploiting the technology of 360-degree projection developed in the 50s, the artist sets out to utilize aspects of the surrounding...
  • Cycloramadrome -
    Event: CycloramadromeInstitution: Netwerk / center for contemporary artComment:
  • Dreher, Thomas. Cyernetics and the Pioneers of Computer Art Lecture Sprengel Museum Hannover.