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  • The two internationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have been active as an artistic couple since the ‘90s and have especially pioneered in the field of interactive media art and exlporations of artificial life.
  • ... and sometravels. As for new projects, we are working on an online garden project for thissummer. I will also take some time to...
  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • Big father -
    Steel, concrete, electromechanicals, medical hardware, ultrasonic sensors, audio and video. 5 units 7 ft high, plus attendant hardware. 1991-92 Over the past 20 years, an entirely new global system of digital communication has come into being,
  • The 21st Century Virtual Reality Color OrganArtist: Jack OxComment:
  • As you enter into the space you are confronted with a dramatic and disturbing combination of images and sound. A ‘wall’ of figures, naked and staring straight at the audience span the width of the gallery space. The life size figures initially
  • "Thanks Tails" are tails for cars. An organ which express appreciation. To make it easier to understand, it is not expressed by language but by the gesture of tails of dogs. I consider this as an art work only when this is manufactured. This
  • W E L C O M E T O M Y B R A I N The human brain has hitherto been considered a static organ with a fixed set of neurons that are being used up without ever being replaced again. Now research is discovering that the brain is an extremely dynamic
  • Influence, change and transformation are keywords in Peter Hagdahl’s ¦uvre. In 1992 Andréhn-Schiptjenko showed the installation Sustained where sculpture, painting, drawing, snapshots, paperclippings and a powerengine created a system ranging from
  • ... frontier of chaos theory, the mathematical theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, cellular dynamata, or CDs, and iterated...