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  • SoundSlam already was a lot of fun, but it lacked the motivation to get more deeply involved. So we developed a game around the original idea: after some freefight-punching, the voice of a virtual trainer guides you through different sound themes
  • Triple Echo is an interactive film environment where poetic monologues are each performed by three actors representing an updated version of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth. These characters form a proverbial "Eternal Triangle". Each screen section
  • Looking for God -
    ... for God" is an installation that considers this...
  • In the video Making of Eve Clone I, I looked back and represented the process of me creating Eve Clone and the evolution of her body in each period. From the original drafting of Eve Clone, which recorded my inspiration of drawings, to using
  • ... Turning of the installation also activates the...
  • X is not the new Y, 2011 Electronic paper screens, arduino processor, battery, circuit board 16.5 x 8.6 x 1.8 cm Ed 4/100 + 3AP Over 500,000 combinations of proper names, companies and cities are presented as random inequalities.
  • ... concerts and installations. In his works,...
  • T_Visionarium, by Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Matt McGinity, Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel, is an experimental new media work that offers the means to capture and re-present televisual information, allowing viewers to explore and actively edit a
  • The interactive artwork " Ecorces" invites to virtually hollow out memories and layers inside the flesh of wood. The notion of "écorces" (barks) refers to the skin of the tree as well as to the skin of the human body, as a surface of appearance, at