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  • Mori -
    In Mori, the immediacy of the telematic embrace between earth and visitor questions the authenticity of mediated experience in the context of chance, human fragility, and geological endurance. Mori engages the earth as a living medium. Minute
  • In Medias Res -
    Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke, Banz & Bowinkel, Malte Bartsch, Mariechen Danz, Angela Fette, Hans Haacke, Konsortium (Lars Breuer, Sebastian Freytag, Guido Münch), Reiner Maria Matysik, Theresa Schubert, Anja Schwörer kuratiert von Ursula
  • Mori
    Sound-Installation "Mori" is an Internet-based earthwork that engages the earth as a living medium. In this installation, minute movements of the Hayward Fault in California are detected by a seismograph, converted to digital signals, and
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    Autoinducer_Ph-1 (cross cultural chemistry) exploits a traditional rice cultivation technique from SE Asia where Azolla is grown in large quantities and used as an organic, nitrogen rich fertilizer in the rice paddies. In the installation this
    Video projection (2,50′), digital print on aluminum dim: 150 x 200 cm The repeated kaleidoscopic video was created on the basis of radiological image of a spine and projected back over the original radiological image printed on an aluminum support.
  • video loop 1,54' Video Vanitas – Self-portrait presents a hypnotic image of the continuous dissolution of the author's face, skull and brain. The repetitive liquefying interplay between the exterior and the technologically-visualized exterior posits
  • "In the white darkness“ is an interactive internet-art-piece about memory. The work was created by Reiner Strasser in collaboration with M.D. Coverley (Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink) over a period of 9 months in 2003/04. It assimilates and reflects
  • Vulnerability -
    CYFEST-15 in Yerevan is dedicated to (anti)fragility of human and non-human body, biological, social and cyberspaces, stories and scenarios of the future as well as confrontations and relationships with the world in a state of transition.
  • David R. Burns takes an interdisciplinary approach to creating digital media art by combining 3D computer modeling and animation, digital video, sound design, and physical computing to push the boundaries of artistic expression. His creative work
  • Roc Parés Burguès (Mexico, 1968. Lives and works in Catalonia since 1983). Professional profile • Researcher of the Interactive Communication Group of DigiDoc, UPF. • Professor of Interactive Communication and Media Arts: