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  • organized by the literaturWERKstatt berlin in cooperation with the Brückner-Kühner Foundation (Kassel) in the special exhibition hall at the Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Berlin. At P0es1s, Poetrica is in the Kulturforum and in public space. In the
  • Loc-reverb develops Colson’s themes of location and memory, concerns seen in an earlier CD-ROM "Mindtracker". Loc-reverb blends photography and moving elements to portray the artist’s interrogation of locations, in particular London. It presents the
  • Feed -
    FEED consumes the web. A play on the technical term "data feed", FEED does not supply information, it consumes information, reducing structure, meaning and content to a stream of text and pixels. An anti-browser, FEED unravels the web. Contemplative
    WEB-MINDSCAPE is an interactive installation joining diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It creates an immersive audiovisual environment, which is site-specific, where sound is diffused in surround, and
  • Lovink, Geert. An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War - Interview with George Legrady
  • Interview published on January 26, 2015 and conducted in 2014 during Pat Badani's participation in the 13th iteration of the Festival Internacional de la Imagen 2014. Badani was commissioned artwork for a new media solo exhibition, and during this
  • Chen Yun-Ju is a New Media Artist from Taiwan. Her interests include art and technology, philosophy, interactive media, and embodiment. Her work spans multiple fields including video, installation, and performance art to express personal emotions
  • Everitt, Dave and Fania Raczinski. Creative Zombie Apocalypse: A Critique of Computer Creativity Evaluation 2016 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) , no. (March 2016).
  • MiRAA Mixed Reality Academy for the Arts. MiRAA IN CONVERSATION with VR artists Tamiko Thiel and Eduardo Kac
  • Site-specific installation (La Cittadele, Saint-Tropez) plexiglass (150 x 200 cm), resin, light projection, sand 'Working with nature, Uršula Berlot sets out to discover its underlying principles, subtly intangible yet overtly percpetible. Her