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  • ..."Time Jitters" is a two channel video that has been exhibited as a diptych as well as part of an interactive installation. Part 1 is a grid of twenty-five animations all of which loop at different rates becoming a cacophony of pulsing color and flickering imagery. ...
  • House of Cards -
    ...Director of Technology - House of Card's Music video, interactive data viewer, and source code. With Director James Frost and a bunch of other great people, lasers and sensors were used to create a 3D data "music video" for the band Radiohead. The project was...
  • ...Seiko Mikami passed away of cancer in January 2015. She was an interactive media artist that has been working in the realms of information systems and human sensing. Showing large-scale installations since the 80's she used sound, robotics and eye-tracking...
  • ...arés Burguès (Mexico, 1968. Lives and works in Catalonia since 1983). Professional profile • Researcher of the Interactive Communication Group of DigiDoc, UPF. • Professor of Interactive Communication and Media Arts: Bachelor's degree in...
  • ... at the ZKM-Institute for Visual Media. Her works have won several prizes, including the "Sparky Award" at the Interactive Media Festival, Los Angeles. Since the early 1990s, Agnes Hegedüs has been developing interactive installations which,...
  • ... and a multi-user platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. The application has been designed to host interactive teams, which can experience a shared environment in local and remote locations through networking. It allows the visitors...
  • Solitary -
    ...An interactive digital video projection installation 1 interactive video projection, black and white, silent 8 x 12 x 6 metres The piece is based on the texts of the late Roman philosopher Boethius, and deals with the fluid and ultimately impossible nature of...
  • ...Bill Seaman is a media artist and professor. He holds a Ph.D. from CAiiA, the Centre For Advanced Inquiry into the Interactive Arts a Master of Science in Visual Studies degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a BFA at the San Francisco Art...
  • ...This CAVE-based interactive and immersive installation explores the potential of the world-wide web as interactive and immersice data and information medium. Today information on the Internet is presented in a standard fashion, as defined by the currently available...
  • Deep Contact -
    ...The next interactive piece, DEEP CONTACT (1989), directly involves the body of the viewer/participant who were required to touch the computerscreen. Viewers choreograph their own encounters in the vista of voyeurism by actually putting their hand on a touch sensative...