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  • ...Artist: Luigia CardarelliComment:
  • ... Art, Science and Technology and how they can shape reality. A house... work, its appearance and means used in its construction, work like a... reality. A house made of cardboard and wood - resembling a...
  • ... and T_Visionarium, the latter shown at the Biennale of Seville in 2008.... as the computer as well as new user interfaces allowed Shaw a new...
  • ...A tomb made of cardboard packing boxes. Inside, a primate-lab cage and a...
  • ... Galeria Sergio Milliet I used one electronic stetoscope to... waves to visualize the cardiac sound traces inside the art...
  • ... a work with Daniel Howe still untitled to be releasednext... thegenerative texts to be used in the works. I work with Ableton...
  • ... and image technologies- how were you perceived by the people... pediatrician and in the ‘70s he used an electronic stethoscope toamplify... waves to visualize the cardiacsound traces inside the art...
  • ...Forest WalkArtist: Janet CardiffComment:
  • The Dark Pool -
    Internetproject, have a look at
  • ... edited by Rhonda Lane HowardWashington DC: Henry Art Gallery...