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  • ... to ensure that old computer systems continue to run. While I agree,... projects to ensure that old computer systems continue to run. While...
  • ... Director of the Center for Computer Music of the City University...
  • ...My particular expertise in the history of computer and digital art began in 2002...
  • ... dynamic behavior in ‘found systems’ as observed both in nature and...
  • ... Society on Virtual Systems and MultiMediaComment:
  • ... forms of life, in various systems and territories, and in real...
  • ... scientist in the Intelligent Systems Lab, Dept Computer Science at... Intelligent Systems Lab, Dept Computer Science at UCL, and in several...
  • ... connections between human and computerized body. (...) A matrix of... connections between human and computerized body. (...) A matrix of...
  • ... 1993, computer-aided editing systems were introduced in product... workshops held at EMAF 1993, computer-aided editing systems were...
  • Triangles -
    ... kit. Triangles is a physical computer interface in the form of a...