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  • ... poetry that challenge the limits of gravity. His Space Poetry manifesto was published in 2007. Now, in 2017, Kac finally realizes...
  • Pornéia
    ... to perform these works in squares, beaches, parks, theatres and many other locations at the time—often with my signature pink...
  • ...There are many ways to "locate" a city, and oneself within it. One way is to distance oneself from it - to look it up in an atlas, a picture, or...
  • ... Gilded” intervenes in this memorial to the deceased artist, manifesting his ironic absent presence surrounded by a halo of terms of...
  • ...University of Kentucky, ed. Holopoetry. Essays, Manifestoes, Critical and Theoretical Writings. Lexington, US: New Media Editions, 1995.
  • ...Paik, Nam June. Cybernated Art In Manifestos. Great Bear Pamphlets, , 24. New York: Something Else Press, 1966.
  • erotogod -
    ... users absorption into the sensual reconfiguration, Erotogod manifests the restructuring and synthesizing of central text taken...
  • Heliotrope -
    ...Heliotrope is an artwork made using computer manipulated images and animations in which the user interacts to control the sequence of events....
  • ... time with huge amounts of information being aggregated from many well functioning services. "Big Brother reloaded," as it were,...