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  • ...Event: Feedback – Art Responsive to Instructions, Input, or its EnvironmentInstitution: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion IndustrialComment:
  • ...Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Museu Inimá de PaulaComment:
  • ...Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Usina do GasômetroComment:
  • ...Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Estação Cabo Branco - Ciência, Cultura e ArtesComment:
  • ...What is transgenic art? How does it influence the landscape of contemporary visual art culture? What is the relationship between art, science, and life? This book focuses on important artistic developments brought forward by the use of genetic engineering techniques....
  • ...D3US EX M4CH1NA. Art and Artificial Intelligence LABoral Centro de Arte de Creación Industrial, Gijón (Spain) November 22, 2010 – May 16, 2020 Memo Akten, Harold Cohen, Jake Elwes, Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Felix Luque, Lauren McCarthy, Anna Ridler, Guido Segni, Caroline...
  • ...Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: MEPE: Museu do Estado de Pernambuco Recife BrazilComment:
  • ...2019 Es Baluard Museu d'Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma and Colección BEEP de Arte Electrónico 31.01.2019- 06.10.2019 Curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano - Palma di Mallorca
  • ... político y crítico —desarrollando paralelismos con la sociedad— al tiempo que poético, sobre la reapropiación por parte de los artistas de las formas, códigos e imaginario del deporte, para captar su absurdidad y poesía. La propuesta del evento se desarrolla desde el...
  • ...2013 Laboratorio Arte Alameda (18th-21st July 2013) "Solar Insects" Workshop by Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer - Mexico City, Mexico