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  • Breathless
    ...Installation consists of three light objects. Two of them are connected to the RSS [web] feed via...
  • Boulder I
    ... upright on a cushion. Walking around the object, the viewer notices that the object had a...
    ... impulses that vitalize the graphic object: It starts to stretch and contract, it can...
  • ... the same place in this system, every object disappears before it reaches the viewer....
  • inTouch -
    ... are interacting with a shared physical object. The "shared" object provides a haptic link...
  • ...3D printed object 200 x 120 x 120mm each MOCKUP MODEL: 3D plaster print, polymer plaster, 23 carat gold...
  • L’exposition à la médiathèque George Sand présente le travail vidéo de Maurice Benayoun - La série Quarxs réalisée entre 1990 et 1993 en collaboration avec le dessinateur de bandes dessinées François Schuiten et l'écrivain Benoît Peeters. une des
  • ...Bifurcation, Shadow Object 2, 2012 Computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino processor,...
  • ... What is the condition of the art object in the age of networking and telematics? The piece entitled...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... machine - adequate to the distance to the object, the voices are changing, modificate the...