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  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    ... imagine a block of rubber, as hard as steel that increases its magnetic attraction to other objects based on it's temperature!)....
  • ... respective system wearing specially designed clothes to which magnetic sensors and microphones are attached. In the case of Romeo,...
  • zgodlocator -
    ...Zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal...
  • ... certainly didn't. I learned a couple of things: 1/ Magnetic core memory is very hard to find. 2/ Most people who are...
  • Actuated Workbench -
    ...The Actuated Workbench is a device that uses magnetic forces to move objects on a table in two dimensions. It is intended for use with existing...
  • Senseboard -
    ... abstract information. It allows the user to arrange small magnetic pucks on a grid, where each puck represents a piece of...
  • Desert rain -
    ... through the rain screen to hand over to the viewer another magnetic card. No words were spoken and as quickly and mysteriously as...
  • ... tower standing on a plate holds the ferrofluid. When the magnetic field around the tower is strengthened, spikes of ferrofluid...
  • Morpho Tower -
    ... a large plate holding ferrofluid. When the music starts, the magnetic field around the tower is strengthened. Spikes of ferrofluid...
  • Functional Portraits -
    ... functional data. In this work I have been using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain, in order to visualize...