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  • Event: UN CABINET DE CURIOSITÉ CONTEMPORAINInstitution: Maison d’art Bernard AnthoniozComment:
  • Event: UN CABINET DE CURIOSITÉ CONTEMPORAINInstitution: Maison d’art Bernard AnthoniozComment:
  • L'implosion du corps -
    Event: L'implosion du corpsInstitution: Cabinet PYSComment:
  • Early solo show featuring seminal works, including painting that would become Jacquard tapestry, "Orange Alert".
  • Golden Calf - video
    This work is constituted by a white pedestal on which there stands an LCD colour monitor connected to computing machinery by a cable running through the pedestal. The viewer of this work picks up and holds this monitor in his hands. The screen shows
  • Mori -
    In Mori, the immediacy of the telematic embrace between earth and visitor questions the authenticity of mediated experience in the context of chance, human fragility, and geological endurance. Mori engages the earth as a living medium. Minute
  • Search Detection, 2012 LED Matrix, arduino processor, wooden cabinet, computer, Internet connection Variable size, can cover between 1 and 3 m of wall space Ed. 1/3, 1 AP Live digital streams that display the results of a search algorithm using the
  • ECCENTRIC Art & Research is pleased to present its first exhibition in Milan, opening on October 12, 2016. The exhibition features the work of all its represented artists up-to-date: Ivana Adaime Makac, Jamie Allen, Tomislav Brajnović, Sarah Ciracì,
  • Workaholic
    A pendulum hangs from the ceiling, with an omnidirectional bar code scanner as the bob (the weight) at the end of the cable. The scanner casts an intense red laser beam downward as it skims the floor, reading symbols printed on a 12 foot diameter
  • Inside the entry curtain, visitors follow a fiber-optic cable to the center of the resonating enclosure where a portal through the floor frames the installation's focal point. The live seismic data stream drives an embedded visual display and