Archive Search

  • ... report at any given time. The piece can be set to search in English, Spanish or French.
  • ... Emmy Awards Competition in New York City. German, French, English (voice-over), produced and directed by Robert W. K. Styblo....
  • ...Stage environment (after Douglas R Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach) [English title, The MU Puzzle] A media environment was integrated into the...
  • ... else in real time as long as it is connected to the Net and is English speaking. Internet is the first self-organised worldwide...
  • ... our biological Œnature. (source:
  • ...Gotar, David P.. Hamlet made simple and other essays. London: New English Review Press, 2013.
  • Third Person -
    ... silhouette. The collector may choose to display the words in English, Spanish or French, or a combination of the three languages....
  • ... Michelin and Moholy. (source:
  • ...Video installation [English title, 'co-distortion'] In the installation 'Co-Verzerrung', the classical game of anamorphosis is transmuted into...
  • fünfnullplus -
    ...[English title, fivezeroplus] Light object Series 'Lichtbilder' The work 'fünfnullplus' from the series 'Lichtbilder' seems at first sight to be...