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  • ... awards for both art and design, and his designs are at work every day in the hands of brokers on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. He is an adjunct associate professor at Columbia University, and is director of Information Esthetics: a fledgling...
  • ... patterns, or reminded itself of past states. Last not least, Richard Kriesche has collected data streams from Google and the stock market. He presented his haul in form of eight projections at "Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten" in Marl. In this way he criticised...
  • ... novembre 2007 6. "…and you think it can be profitable", 2008 ("et vous pensez que ça peut être rentable?") Emotional Stock, Insecure, Ecstatic, Alone Galerie Bund 18, Shanghai, avril 2005
  • ... v1.3 DAX] 2009.04 APRES LA FIN / FAUX-RACCORDS . LA TABASCALERA . MADRID . SPAIN [Installation ADM v3] 2009.03 STOCK OVERFLOW . iMAL . BRUXELLES . BELGIUM [Installations & Conferences] 2008.11 DATA MEANINGS /PARIS . THEATRE PARIS VILLETTE....
  • ... this theme. Its focus is on everyday phenomena that constantly surround us: the news, the weather, the rates of the stock exchange, the presence of other people. These are measured by for this purpose specifically developed computer-programmes and...
  • ... première acquisition du fonds FAME de soutien à la création Emotion Forecast est bâtit sur le modèle des systèmes prédictifs du stock market. Que se passerait-il si l’économie et les échanges étaient fondés sur l’état émotionnel de la planète. Ne faudrait-il pas...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... der 1999 auch im Project Room des MoMA in New York in einer Personale zu sehen war, ihre neu renovierten Räume im 1. Stock. (source: Neue Galerie Graz)
  • ... engines, communication technologies, systems of knowledge, websites, online images, maps, archives, catalogues and indexes, stock markets, and especially capitalism, commerce, and consumption. It is the structure, the organizing principle, the ecology that...
  • Transitional Spaces -
    ... This is followed by a text quote projected onto the screen. The quotes come from personals, news phrases and financial stock language that use or refer to literal or metaphorical expressions of transitional space. The background image is a still...
  • Limitless2023 -
    ...This interactive real-time artwork comments on the volatility of the stock market and the ephemeral nature of wealth, through an exploration of the intersection of technology, finance and mythology. Harris employs live market data, organising company logos according to...