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  • ... Free/Libre Open Source Software. She studied Sound and Image at the Royal Conservatory in... the mysterious packets toolkit, the 0xA band, the digital artlife Metabiosis project, the...
  • ... In 1983 I joined up with the electronic band Severed Heads and produced the world’s first...
  • SonarSound Sao Paulo -
    ... and many more. The Matthew Herbert Big Band will inaugurate the event on the night of...
  • ... a single hue. The whiteand green alternating band created a rhythmic flow of “ups and downs”...
  • ...calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened thinking about nature’s ‘tangled bank’.
  • ... images in a workshop taught by Frank Dietrich a pioneering computer graphics... audio visual performance featuring Math Band at the California State University, Los...
  • ... made by rolling an appropriate (6-sided) die. This waltz of Mozart's can be used to... numbers per second. It is this large band-width that makes the audification of certain...
  • ... workshop with digital art pioneer, FrankDietrich. After that I took a lab class with Tony... realm of purely Dance Music; suchas the band called Hookah and the circuit bender, Igor...
  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, renowned German art collective and professors, have made significant contributions to the realm of digital media art and interactive installations. Pioneers in the field, they have not only created immersive