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  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    ... from personal collections such as of Jimpunk, Marisa Olson and Superbad. Inspired by the iPad zooming features, here the low tech rhyme with Wi-Fi and mobility, remixing the past and the future of the Internet in an optical black and white delirium. Browse...
  • ... in order to promote acessibility to the debate. The vision of the ‘Smart City’ was introduced by some of the largest tech corporations to address population growth, political instability and resource scarcity. (Source:
  • ...Kohso, Sabu. Parables on the Morphogenic Substance In Molecular, Informatics-Morphogenic Substance via Eye Tracking/ LTM (Low-Tech Music), edited by Seiko Mikami and Oscar Abril AscasoMalaga, Spain: Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Malaga, 2004.
  • ...Andres Burbano. Inventions at the Borders of History Re-significance of Media Tech (2009).
  • ...l Bielicky participate presenting projects that experiment with navigation, video-communication, virtual reality and data visualization technologies, often developed in collaboration with ZKM Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica Linz, High Tech Center Berlin-Babelsberg etc....
  • Borderroad -
    ...Print on aluminium composite panel Modern high-tech border walls demonstrate how political solutions are being replaced by technical interventions. A clear illustration is the buttressing of “Fortress Europe” around the Spanish exclaves Ceuta and Melilla with double...
  • ...Mittelman, Michael, ed. ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art. Vol.V17:Hi-Tech. Boston, MA: ASPECT, 2011.
  • ...Mittelman, Michael, ed. ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art. Vol.V17:Hi-Tech. Boston, MA: ASPECT, 2011.
  • ...Mittelman, Michael, ed. ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art. Vol.V17:Hi-Tech. Boston, MA: ASPECT, 2011.