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  • Wine
    ... fashion. The poem articulates the fleeting apparitions of the words from within themselves, as if one word would write another....
  • ... in the fear of souls being captured in mirrors. The Etruscan word for soul, hinthial, literally means, "image reflected in a...
  • ... The name Lautriv comes from the reversal of the word Virtual=Lautriv. Chromagnon is a word made up of Chroma key +...
  • Tower
    ... as the inter-actor speaks the computer displays the next words, in the order of frequency in its database. The speaker may or...
  • Osmoboxes
    ... the context of the Osmobox series, “smeller” shall replace the word 'viewer'." (Kac, 2014)
  • Paradise -
    ... prophet Elijah, an electronic tag whose interface leads to the word « Paradise ». The dialogical structure linking the two images,...
  • ... visitors, whose behaviour influences both the selection of the words and the timing in which they appear in sequence. 'LAUTUNDLEISE'...
  • ... that display the results of a search algorithm using the word "detection" on different news channels on the Internet. The...
  • Storms
    ... navigation can also take place by clicking outside the word. If the reader does not make a choice, that is, if he or she does...
  • D/eu/s -
    ... close scrutiny the reader noticed that the letters formed the word "Deus" (God, in Portuguese). The spacing of the letters revealed...