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  • ... interact with the work using a touch screen. By pressing on words and symbols different sections of the videodisc are projected on...
  • ... recognition technology, totally influenced by the dominant words of this conversation. Like in Labylogue, art installation, by...
  • Transcendence Index -
    ... 2. The software program finds in the texts marker words of transcendence and evaluates the transcendence index of each...
  • Tracing -
    ... blurred letter is "retraced" with the mouse to extrude focused words and video segments. The letter, written by a non-native speaker,...
  • Tower
    ... as the inter-actor speaks the computer displays the next words, in the order of frequency in its database. The speaker may or...
  • ... Art in Slovenia: Some Emphases Likovne besede / Art Words , no. 119 (2021): 34-55.
  • ... that create a poem in a different strata. By picking the key words through the text a further sentence is created. The interference...
  • Timeline
    ... for the way in which memory works, playing and replaying the words and images that make up our lives.
  • ... Tillie are looking at through their right eyes. In other words, they see through her eyes. Furthermore, viewers can turn...
  • Third Person -
    ... piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny words that are in fact all the verbs of the dictionary conjugated in...