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  • This installation entitled There's no simulation like home is the culmination of artistic telematic research since 1992. The exterior of the installation resembles the back of a plasterboard stage set, or as if the bricks of a house had been
  • MURMURING FIELDS – WALK-IN SOUND SPACE 1997–1999 As part of the EU funded eRENA Project (Electronic Arenas for Art, Culture Entertainment), Fleischmann und Strauss and the MARS lab created Murmuring Fields (1997-99), a sequel to Home of the Brain,
  • VIRTUAL BALANCE: LOOKING WITH THE FEET 1994 Understanding interactivity in cyberspace as a seamless experience rather than a clickable one, Virtual Balance borrows from the myth of the magic carpet to move through data. The magic carpet, popularized
  • In this installation, an interactive format similar to FOURSPACE (1991) has been developed in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a primary modality of interactivity is chosen as the functional context for a strategy of communication
  • Inspired by Jules Vernes’ classic novel, Ars Electronica, voestalpine and Linz09 are going on a ‘round-the-world journey June 18 to September 7, 2009. “80+1 – A Trip Around the World” is an expedition across the face of our planet and into our
  • Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,
  • Wind and Rain -
    A room was densely and completely filled with confetti that was being vigorously blown about by big fans. At one point a live elephant was brought into the room and the not realized intention (because the elephant had a cold) was to paint his belly
  • Waterwalk -
    The Waterwalk was a 3-metre-high tetrahedron shaped balloon made from transparent (and sometimes coloured) plastic. A watertight zip allowed people to enter and be sealed inside. When this lightweight structure was inflated with air, one or more
  • Sandquake -
    Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it gradually rose up and erupted out of the sand.
  • Emergences of Continuous Forms was one of a series of performances and installations in this period which explored various methods of extending the cinematic image into the space of the viewers and of provoking the viewer's physical