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  • ... discussed, how does this processwork for... let go from one’s own discipline to beready... performance and digital arts, the... artist duo has managed to create a...
  • ... (2011)How does the process of... could work on my ownoutside of... four decades and incorporates a range...
  • ... with photography and environmental sounds.... Digital Fringe, Melbourne, 2009; BizArt...
  • Ágora
    ... direction of the Andromeda galaxy (not...
  • AirportSim -
    ... airport layout and parameters, such as... AirportSim aids an airport manager interested in...
  • ...Brown, Richard. Alchemy, Immersion, Mimetics and... Mimetics and Consciousness In... of the Melbourne DAC 2003, ...
  • ... / Ryan Gander / Andreas Greiner /...
  • ... sculptures, and digital media works... Moving Image in Melbourne, Australia and...
  • ... by Rieser Martin and Andrea ZappLondon: BFI...
  • ... (dismantled and computed) text base. A...