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  • ... prepl_vajúcich tokov_ch polí. The qualities of differing viscosities. Vlastnosti rôznorodo pôsobiacich viskozít. Negotiating the...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... flow on these lines produce phenomena of relative slowness and viscosity, or, on the contrary, of acceleration and rupture. All this,...
  • Last Life -
    ...ttention, présent dans le Top 10, mais celui qui atteint l’objectif de visibilité qu’il s’est fixé. On peut faire le pari de n’intéresser...
  • ... with all things emotional, embodied, felt, sensed, the visceral, physical, and relational. She is also a Senior Tutor for...
  • ... the idea that the polymorphic nature (variabilty) of the visibile is produced only by subjective perception filters that are...
  • //**Code_UP -
    ... role of the code in the meaning construction and the forms of visibility mediated by mobile communication devices. In the...
  • ... Art Academy of Turin (IT), at Civica Scuola di Cinema “Luchino Visconti” in Milan (IT) and she leads project works at the University of...
  • Cosmic Matter -
    ... "Pictorial" thicknesses and draftings, polished or viscous traces of matter, are really the result of a totally...
  • ...Broeckmann, Andreas. The Naked Bandit in the Theatre of Visibilities. Control, Attention and Performance in Recent Projects by Knowbotic...
  • My Black Cat -
    ... experience of the space in a 'negative interaction': when the visitors touch, hit, or move the balloons around, the delicate sonic...