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  • ... within its real world environmental context....
  • ... planar virtual worlds such as gardens or...
  • iC_inema 1
    ... view of the real world is recorded. Costum...
  • VR/RV
    ... co-mingles video games and computerized war.
  • Apparitions -
    ... deciding for us what parts of our lives and... from the Daguerreotype to Magnetic Resonance... ideas on the World Wide Web, and moving...
  • Dreams Grrrls -
    ... lead to whimsical worlds - where you can ride a...
  • ... and a model of the world. The aim of this art...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ... Visitors can observe what goes on in the other... It realizes a new type of communication space... an alternative world is born. This world is...
  • ... aesthetic. What "deep" means is that the... brings the two worlds of his life, music and...
  • The Adding Machine -
    ... these "virtual worlds" were not...