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  • ...Event: bio-logic - living structures and swarm bodiesInstitution: Waag SocietyComment:
  • ...Hayles, Katharine. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Information. Chicago, London: University of Chicago...
  • ...“Shades of Absence: Governing Bodies" Addresses artists who have been censored by - or due to threats by - high members of the U.S. government....
  • A workshop to visualize a flow of information. Participants of the workshop make a line and try to transfer an one-line drawing from body to body. Then the track of the drawings is drawn on pieces of papers. At the end of each sesson, participants
  • ... composed of tensile shapes they choose and assemble. The databodies will grow and develop autonomously. There are seven levels...
  • sonja bäumel in collaboration with maurizio montalti (Officina Corpuscoli) mirko daneluzzo & tommaso casucci (Co-de-iT) Waag Society's Open Wetlab WASP self-initiated WORKSHOP AT THE WAAG SOCIETY AMSTERDAM Interactions between Biological and Digital
  • Genial & Geheim -
    ...2012 Genial & Geheim, (9th August.2012 til 30th December 2012) Heinz Nixdorf Forum Curator: Viehoff, Jochen - Paderborn, Germany
  • ...It records choreographies of moving bodies in real space, generating drawings on the electronic screen by different groupings of moving figures....
  • cyberSM -
    ... own visual appearance from a large databank of digitized human bodies. Once chosen, the participents send the image of their virtual...
  • ... a coreography into the images environment contrasting the bodies and the light from the images of the tape "Fire" inside a large...