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  • ... Real and virtual space are superimposed, the movement of the visitors is recorded by a sensor camera. The actors move in a room...
  • ... result was such an intense sensory experience that the visitors were fully immersed in their emergent interactive behavior,...
  • ... - this amplifies the social dimension that accompanies the visual interactivities. The computer-generated image is a...
  • ... and concerns, their questions and ideas, their dreams and visions ...
  • ... museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... while particular postures of the puppet cause specific visual events to occur. Most significantly it is the action of moving...
  • Black Airground -
    ... individually activated by the pitch and volume of sounds the visitors made.
  • Artificial Landscapes -
    ... Grassroll and Brickhill. These projects typically proposed visual and/or temporal displacements of natural and/or landscape...
  • Airground -
    ... cushion as kinetic floor, was set up by the seaside. The visitors could enter and play on its soft inner surface.
  • Corpocinema -
    ... were projected from outside. These projections were made visible by physical events and performed actions that created...