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  • Oracle
    a voice recognition and interpretive grammar interactive performance artwork Source: Simon Biggs
  • Tower
    Tower is an interactive literary art work where the computer listens to and anticipates what is to be said by those interacting with it. A self-learning system, as the inter-actor speaks the computer displays the next words, in the order of
  • Polymorph
    Polymorph is an interactive immersive environment for two or more interactors. A single structurally complex three dimensional agent is created through the presence and interaction of two or more interactors within the environment. Source: Simon
  • Crosstalk -
    'Crosstalk' is a new collaborative interactive performance work by visual artist Simon Biggs, composer Garth Paine, and dance artist Sue Hawksley. Software development by Hadi Mehrpouya. 'Crosstalk' is for two performers whose movement and speech
  • Glitch Traces -
    Images collaged from screengrabs taken during the development of the 'Crosstalk' project in 2013-14. Source: Simon Biggs
  • Punishment 1 -
    ... for having destroyed a recently built...
  • Der Schrei
    A yellow, two-meter-high siren slowly rotates around its own axis and produces a constant, penetrating, cyclical stream of sound that is modulated by the turning of the horn. Its powerful acoustic waves cause objects in the exhibition space to
  • Unusual, bright-colored birds were observed on the Piazza San Marco in the summer of 2012, and in Copenhagen in the same year similar birds were sighted, which largely maintained close proximity to pigeons. When looking at the birds more closely,
  • On a large white platform, the artist has arranged the typical Christmas scenario of his parents’ home: the family members, furniture and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations, presents, and letters from family members. The annual
  • Boulder I
    Boulder I is a rock that sits upright on a cushion. Walking around the object, the viewer notices that the object had a hole on one side and is actually hollow. On display is therefore not a stone but a stone surface. Given that the eye can only