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  • Ito, M. and Scott.S. Fisher. Circulating Images of Virtual Systems: Trodes, Gloves and Goggles in Scientific and Popular Cultures In Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV, edited by Scott S. Fisher and M.T. Bolas and J. O.
  • Cox, Donna. Algorithmic Art, Scientific Visualization and Tele-immersion: an Evolving Dialogue with the Universe In Women, Art, and Technology, edited by Judy MalloyCambridge, London: The MIT Press, 2003.
  • Hessels, Scott. Sustainable Cinema: The Moving Image and the Forces of Nature In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics, edited by Anna Ursyn, 90-104. New York: IGI Global, 2012.
  • Scientific Skin -
    Event: Scientific SkinInstitution: MAK Museum für Angewandte KunstComment:
  • Event: Constructions of Real and VirtualInstitution: Scientific Research Institute Jožef StefanComment:
  • The sculptures “reconfigure(d) – object 1 and 2” are part of a series of kinetic objects dealing with elusive states of consciousness and the translation of brain activity measurements into rhythms. With this body of work I am studying the
  • Photosynthetic Me is a bioart, interactive and Immersive installation that emerges from a process-based experiment around the topic of becoming plant-like. In the project, a biotechnologist activates a photosynthetic system in a situation of altered
  • “BichEden: Folds” uses philosophy of ecology and scientific concepts related to food web communities as empirical grounding for associative thinking in the creation of imaginative 3D visualizations. Driven by how the Anthropocene extinction is
  • The landscape is not just the natural environment or its representation. It is in itself a cultural construct, subject to the codes and beliefs of those who have configured it, be it physically (determining its shape by the arrangement of gardens,